
The Platonic Black Hole

With rare exception, software never seems to be complete. Donald Knuth famously gives TeX version numbers that asymptotically approach pi. The last major version was 3, and it's currently on 3.14159265. There will be no more major versions, no new features. Each subsequent version will only include (more and more minor) bugfixes. That is to say, Knuth considers TeX to be done, and is now only pursuing closer and closer approximations of correctness.

I think it's useful to think about software is in terms of the Platonic ideal. In the real world, of course, you run into a lot of problems trying to define a perfect abstract chair, but there is absolutely such a thing as a perfect abstract algorithm. When you're implementing Quicksort your implementation is an approximation of that algorithm. And, in a sense, all sorting algorithms are approximations of an ideal abstract sort, which returns correctly sorted elements with the minimum possible resources.

Even for less abstract problems, it can be meaningful to use Platonism to think about software. You can define a perfect calculator as one that includes every one of a set of defined mathematical operations, executes them in a defined (bug-free) way, and operates using the minimum resources to achieve that. In a sense, all testing (and in particular formal verification) relies on this idea of an abstract ideal program that your program can be measured against.

However, the more your software tries to do, the more complex that Platonic ideal is. It's rare that a piece of software will be as simple as a calculator; usually the requirements will be in some way defined by the needs of real people, which means that the software model also needs to include a user model, and if it is commercial software, the software model is dependent in some way on a business model. These result in user acceptence testing and behaviour-driven development.

In the extreme, your software's requirements can become so complex that its abstract ideal is a system of infinite size. Perhaps that sounds hyperbolic, but actually it's not so uncommon. When you define software by the features it has, ie: does x, does y, does z, it's going to be finite. But systems are more often defined in terms of goals like "people can say anything and our software will do it", or "be able to access all the content on the internet". Apple's Siri and Google Chrome are both implementations of an infinitely large abstract system.

How can you tell? The question is, when would you stop adding features? What would your software have to do to be finished? Siri will never stop adding features because we will never stop having things we want to do. Chrome will never be finished because there will always be more new kinds of content on the internet. The ultimate end goal of both systems is a fully general system capable of doing anything: a Platonic Black Hole.

If you're making a system like that, it's not necessarily a bad thing, but it does make your situation kind of unstable. While other software will slow down as it asymptotically approaches completeness, yours will just keep growing and growing forever. The eventual fate of the finite system is that the marginal cost of additional work on it drops below the marginal benefit of ever-tinier improvements. At that point, you can step away from the keyboard; it's done.

But the eventual fate of the infinite system is that it gets so large that it can't adapt to future change, and another, newer infinite system takes its place.